Christie Jones Ray

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Sweet Sophia Abigail

Did all of heaven's angels think of every precious, pretty thing,
While gathered on one dewey cloud,
And sing them into being...

Did they find the bluest blues and pinkest rosey pinks,
And dip a brush of feathers,
To shade her eyes and cheeks and lips...

Did all their wings, in one accord, sweep across her heart,
To fill her up with love and wonder,
For mother, father, sister, brother...

Did the angels then remember, her sweet and dear grandmothers,
And say, "we'll share her with another,
Just a bit and not much longer..."

Did they know this tiny babe could bring such joy and laughter,
And peace and love from heaven,
Souls would live forever after..

They must have had such inspiration, for she is like no other,
Fairest hands and tiny feet,
Led Daddy to his Father...

Now rejoicing comes at last, and praise to God is given,
Making this sweet family whole,
A babe has healed the hurting.

In loving remembrance of Sophia's Grandmothers Nancy Gail and Sondra.