Christie Jones Ray

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Climbing the Marshmallow Tree

Being four years old, and having grown quite tall, Xavier proclaims that he can reach things because his arms are stretchy!  With the help of an older cousin, he has discovered trees are for climbing, and he has staked his claim. This Great Weeping Willow will be HIS tree.

The approach...
Not pictured, is the little boost, given by Big Daddy...
Perched among those branches, he calls for a picture with Grammy...
The pump, pouring and splashing water over the rocks into the pond sings its water-lullaby:
 "Grammy and Xavier, sittin' in a tree..
First comes school,
In books, he'll be buried...
Then comes Xavier,
All grown and married."

It will happen in the blink of an eye.

So, at Grammy's house, we are about the business of cherishing moments.

On the long wagon ride back to the house, Xavier waves to me... I lag wearily behind, happily exhausted, after a wonderfully blessed weekend.
Happy Boy...Happy Grammy!