A Day Trip to Ethridge, Tennessee ... Amish Country

Pick - a- Pick - a - Pumpkin
(Rhyme and Photos by Christie Ray/Grammy)

Pick - a - pick - a - pumpkin,
Put it in a pile,
Pick - a - pick - a - pumpkin,
Gives us all a smile.

Orange ones,

Green ones,

Speckled ones, too...

Bumpy ones,

Smooth ones,

White ones, Boo!

Odd shapes,

Small shapes,

How do we choose?

Wagon wheels,

Buggies ...wheeee...

Take me for a ride.

The Buggy shop,

Fixes up,

Broken things, with pride.

Laundry hung,

Work begun,

Early in the morn.

Wagon full,

Car full,

Hair full of corn! 

So, Pick - a - pick - a - pumpkin

Put it in a pile...

Sisters will,

Brother will,

Give us all a smile.

Happy Fall....Y'all
