Reflections of Autumn and Visions of Christmastide

Such busy-ness here at Rose Water Cottage....
Grammy's House has been on the back burner, and my apologies are in order.

Stop for a moment, here, and refill your cup of tea or coffee...
get comfortable...
and enjoy the journey we have experienced since mid-October,
for it has included the completion of Eliza's Adventures,
an outdoor Chili Supper at Aunt Bonnie's,
a pumpkin festival in Franklin,
and, as always, fun with Xavier
...along with more birthdays than you could shake a stick at!

Xavier was fascinated with his Aunt Bonnie's new bunny...

..his incredible house, built by Xavier's Uncle Sam and his friend....

..and its fall decorations...

What a fun evening, spent with family, eating delicious chili cooked over an open fire...

Bonnie has a lot of help from sister-in-law Mechelle...

 Xavier learning to play frisbee...

...enjoying festive decorations...

..including a witchy-poo or two...

and their scaredy cats...

(crafted by the ever-clever hostess)

...and a little bitty pumpkin girl, Sophia, loving on her "gig dd""...Big Daddy... as the other grandchildren call husband...

... and roasting marshmallows over the fire, as darkness fell...

(our Tia...Xavier's mommy... with her sweet mamaw)

(Mamaw celebrated her birthday at the beginning of November, along with her grandson, our Keely (Sophia's daddy). Then my daddy celebrated his 80th birthday, my son turned 28, soon after, and his girlfriend celebrated her 29th. Mine followed,  my sweet nephew Trent will turn 14 on Sunday, Tia's will be on Monday, and sister-in-law will be at the end of the month...whew! There are also many more of our very dear friends who will also turn a year older, this month, but just too many to name.)
You see now what I meant...  This is the card I painted for Mamaw....

We enjoyed venturing downtown ...just a 10 minute walk.... to enjoy the annual Pumpkin Festival.  The main attraction was this gigantic pumpkin that traveled, on this trailer, all the way from Canada....

The premier of a Civil War documentary at the Franklin Theatre, brought hostesses wearing period dresses....

Back at the Franklin house...

Husband built our first beautiful fire in the fireplace...

More mums were purchased, through October, creating such a pretty Autumnal display....

Xavier chose the colors of the pansies...

And we would finally be satisfied with the results... the roses continued to bloom with the approaching evening for trick or treaters...

....and the lanterns were lit....

...we said Goodnight to October, "You have delighted us with your brilliant and colorful foliage, your cool evenings, and warm days."

...and "Hello, November!"
The month of birthdays....

I must take a moment to thank my dear friend Laura at Our Scented Cottage for providing me with the most delicious recipes. This "Too Much Chocolate" cake was bestowed "the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted" award by my eldest son's girlfriend (she and he celebrated their November birthdays at our home, with a meal cooked with lots of love.) Thank you, Laura, for sharing with us!

We also celebrated the completion of our little book...Eliza's Adventures at Grammy's House in the Country.  A literary agent will be taking a look and giving us advice on how to proceed. Keep us in your prayers, as these are very exciting days.

I have the dearest, new little friend named Rilee...she lives in Louisiana with her Momma who is one of those forever friends. You know the may only see her once every 10 years, or more, and you can pick up right where you left off...that kind....a gift from God.  Her sweet girl was intrigued with the photos of my little book and became very anxious for its completion in order to purchase her own copy. She inquired if an "Eliza" came with the book.  Well, for her, one would.  So I set to work...

Eliza gave her approval of the tiny shawl and kerchief...for Rilee fell in love with the Rose Water Pink Eliza was sporting in the photo.

...and here is Rilee's Eliza in the midst of cotton stuffing...insisting on a bow for her tail, as it had the tiniest crimp that made her very self-conscious...

At last, all was complete....the package filled with all sorts of treasures for a most deserving young lady, and shipped off to Louisiana.

Rilee is the first to view a copy of the completed little book, and I hold her opinion in high regard. She has given her seal of approval, so, come what may with the literary agent, I have been completely affirmed. Thank you, sweet girl!

We quietly celebrated my 50th birthday, as to my wishes, and I am overwhelmed at the happiness I feel at reaching this milestone.  It's as if I have joined a very distinguished club, and I am terribly excited!
(My best-neighbor-in-the-whole-world gifted me with a copy of Tasha Tudor's Take Joy...I was ecstatic!)

Over the last couple of weeks, or so, my dear husband has been making purchases for his dear wife and her Eliza...she....we...are becoming rather spoiled.

Her cozy cottage is protected from Scout, by the wonderfully old, chippy step ladder...

...and it now boasts an addition...
actually, it was decided that the steps would make wonderful accommodations for her daybed (former soap dish) and her new/old cast iron tub...

She even enjoys the wonderfully fragrant, teeny tiny bar of goat's milk & lavender soap, along with her teeny tiny beeswax candle, and jar of Tasha Tudor's Spring Bouquet Moisturizing Cream...

She was tickled to receive a treadle sewing machine....

... so she might make a much needed bathing cap to cover her ears, while she is soaking in her tub...

The teeny tiny spools of thread were included in a Susan Branch sewing kit Grammy purchased recently.  How perfect for Eliza!  The sewing machine plays a lovely tune as she of Grammy's favorites.

Grammy is also enjoying some creative projects, as the holidays are fast approaching...

Not only is dear husband bestowing gifts on little Eliza the Dormouse, but our lovely friend Mary (Gentility of Heritage Stitchery)surely wins the prize for creating the teeniest, tiniest gift of all!
She had acquired our favored tea by Harney & Sons "Paris" after my post this summer. I had acquired the tea after reading a post by Suzanne of Privet and Holly, and I realized my other dear friend, Anita of Castles, Crowns, and Cottages had been introduced to the tea, as well, by Suzanne.  Anita's creation...Tea Rat, one of Eliza's beloved friends, even gives his approval...

I believe it is one of the most delicious teas I have ever tasted.
So...back to Mary...this is what she presented to me over lunch, one day, at the Boxwood Bistro....

Here is another photo, in order for you all to grasp the tiny-ness of these precious teabags...

Look closely and spy the floral paper-covered film case, serving the purpose of tea tin. A-MA-Zing!

Do you see...Eliza is sprinkling her enchanting little sparkle dust all over...on those least suspecting...
and such fun is ensuing!

Xavier takes her for a carriage ride with one of his favorite cars...

Granted, it wasn't exactly the carriage ride she was dreaming of...

but, it was quite an adventure.

As the month of November progresses, Grammy has waited as long as she can, and the decorations for Christmastide begin to appear....

A favorite book to read over the holidays, by favorite authoress Kate Douglas Wiggins...

...and some new reads for the holidays...

(Yes, Diane and Sarah of Corgyncombe Courant...I finally finished my "Rose Water" Tasha Tudor Cottage Shawl! I am now knitting 2 lovely silkywool red shawls for Christmas gifts....fingers can hardly knit swiftly enough!)
Grammy's collection of carolers gather atop the ancient piano...

(Can you you find the tiny little piano, aside the miniature Seth Tudor art stand, which holds the tiny sheets of music? Another gift from dear husband. It plays a charming folk tune.)

Here is a closer look..

The painting was a birthday gift a few years ago from my husband, who knew my love of old fashioned winter scenes...

The living room is certainly enchanted in the evenings...

This is where the fresh tree will be placed, as we enter December... the front window....

My mother stitched the beautiful poinsetta themed pair, and I embellished the frames with gold wired ribbon.  The opposing piece she stitched, is the lyrics of Amazing Grace...our family's favored hymn, embellished, as well...

A close up of her work...

And the Dining Room is lovely in the daytime...

..with its corner hutch, filled with colors of the season...

But this is my most favorite scene of all....

As we rapidly approach a season to be thankful and a season to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, I pray blessings for you and your families....a respite in the midst of hurriedness...and a moment to ponder how wonderful it is to have friends across the miles, across the oceans, next door, who visit via our blogs.

Scout has visions of Sugar Plum Fairies...

And, Sweet Penny of Angelsdoor, your little Ruby is having visions of just Sugar Plums....

(Xavier placed her this could I deviate from such sweetness:)

Rilee, tell Gramma that Ms. Christie has a tiny little mouse who shares her beautiful name...

