We Three Kindreds

While I am trying to decide what the title should be for a way-overdue-did-you-think-I-was-ever-coming-back post, I will do a bit of back tracking, to get you up to speed.
When I last posted, we had just finished our very first Barn Sale ...The Strawberry Patch Barn Sale.
Even as I write these words, I am chastising myself ... that was all the way back in May, and the sale had been in April.... goodness!
Will you all ever forgive this girl?
(We were celebrating Mother's Day...for heaven's sake...goodness!)

Well, the Sunday following the three day sale was filled to the brim with excitement.  We awoke mid-morning, with a start.  I was to be in Franklin at Noon, to do a book signing at our local Landmark Booksellers, during the Franklin Arts Festival.  I dressed, hurriedly, jumped in the car with wonderful husband, and looked in the visor mirror to discover sheet prints along my cheek.  Apparently I had slept so hard and so soundly, from sheer exhaustion, that the imprint of the pillowcase folds would be temporarily imbedded on my face.   It did not matter....I was going to a real deal book signing!

The heat was oppressive, but again, it did not matter...we arranged my little books on the little table provided under the tent.
Side note: ..We were running just a tad late, as we could not locate our sweet little mouse.

We were running hither and yon..."have you seen her"...."she was in her day bed"...."what basket was she in"...."I don't know, but we have to find her"...."is she in the back of the car"...."I don't know, I just know she was in her daybed"... "have you looked in all the baskets in the house".... "yes, and I still can't find her"   ....   If a stranger had been listening in to our frantic conversation, they would have thought we had lost a child or a pet or ... I don't know... something other than a tiny, old-fashioned batting mouse with a tiny knitted shawl with a blue hydrangea ribbon tie...

But praise be..we found her...and we were off....

Looking around the small tent, the masses parading by before us, I was attempting to get my bearings.  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a corner shelf belonging to the occupants of the tent next to us (we were separated by a lovely mossy green curtain) and on the bottom shelf, much to my surprise, I spied Jeri Lander's Hopalong Hollow books.  Why in the world would someone have her books in their display??  (Remember, I was running on very little sleep, sheet prints still on my face, and not quite fully awake) and then, the light bulb switched on BRIGHT!  I hopped around the dividing curtain and into the neighbor's tent, to come face to face with our dear Jeri...in person!  Our eyes locked...grins spread across our faces...and in chorus, exclaimed..."Christie?"...."Jeri?"  ....Oh, if our Heavenly Father loves to see His girls enjoy such serendipity...He was having a joyous moment!

It was hard for me to remain in my tent...can you imagine??  I wanted to soak in everything about her, about her work laying there on display before us, about the elements of design she had so cleverly arranged...for, to enter her booth/tent, is to walk right into Hopalong Hollow, "where the blueberries are sweet and the moss is soft beneath your feet."

Oh, Happy Day!

We were to enjoy the day even more, even in the 90 degree heat, with not a breath of wind, for we kindreds had found each other, amongst a town-wide sea of tents.  Yes, Virginia, there is a God who takes care of the tiniest little things that our hearts desire.  (We had left our little cottage that day with me wondering where my dear friend would be located. I had even said aloud, to dear husband, "Somewhere out there, is our Jeri, amongst the sea of tents.")

After the festival, Jeri and HER dear husband came to our humble abode.  After a quick little tour, showing her all the things that make up Rose Water Cottage, the home of Eliza, and much conversing simultaneously...trying to squeeze in so much, in such a short visit... and after opening her gift of fresh, fragrant lavender attached to one of those  flattened spoons she so cleverly creates...

and a scherenschnitte beribboned bookmark inside a lovely journal, all tucked in a darling tin bucket filled with white bearded iris bulbs to transplant...  (I was overwhelmed, to say the least)...
we traveled to the home of "Our Mary."  Yes, she is Ours. She leaves us the MOST gracious comments on our blogs, and she lives here, in Our Franklin.  She had prepared the most incredible feast for the four of us weary, hungry, festival participants.

Here are the photos I captured from our visit, that lingered right up to the midnight hour....

My Tim sat across from her James, and I sat across from Jeri..
Our Mary was seated at the head of the table and her Robert was seated at the opposing end.  She had planned the seating arrangement so the girls could enjoy bubbling topics of conversation, and the men could discuss...well....whatever men discuss...

The bunny-filled centerpiece was in honor of Hopalong Jack and the Blue Bunnies... (and had served as a darling Easter decoration Mary could not bear to dismantle until our visit)

Our Mary,  also known as Gentility of Heritage Stitchery, is the most gracious hostess.  Our place setting held the sweetest gift...a tiny porcelain basket with a sachet of dried lavender, within.

The salad, the main course, and the dessert were each presented on the most charming china plates ...and as each course was devoured by us famished folks, we discovered the delicate floral patterns and bunny motifs on each.  Yes, she had thought of everything!

As the clock was fast approaching midnight, we three kindreds convened before the beautiful fireplace for a photo.  Even though we were weary from the weekend, we had been privy to one of the most memorable, blessed occasions we could have ever dreamed of.  An evening of pouring over the meticulous artwork of sweet, petite Jeri, a phenomenal artist and author, the consumption of a delectable meal, and the participation in delicious conversation.

We parted, only because we were certain our carriages would turn to pumpkins, as the clock struck twelve...so with hugs and grins and promises to meet again,  and with Our Mary's gift of roses in our hands, we made our way out into the night...Jeri and James heading home to East Tennessee, and husband Tim and I heading home to our Rose Water Cottage down the lane.

What joy fills my soul at every remembrance of that glorious weekend.

And I can share with you ...finally.... that Eliza has been picked up by Barnes and Noble Booksellers and is available on their online store.  If you were sitting here with me,  at this very moment, you would see the excitement oozing from every pore of my being!  You would see that my heart is having trouble staying put inside my body, and you would find my spirit levitating amongst the clouds in sweet rapture! I keep pinching myself and thinking...They picked ME...MY books...How can this be?
We have also worked diligently on creating our Amazon storefront, which also carries all four books, as well as my line of greeting cards, the mouse-making kit and guide, the Eliza-themed recipe cards,  and collectible, autographed copies of The Fox Family of Franklin.

If you would like to visit Barnes & Noble online, in the search box, type in my full name, Christie Jones Ray, and all 4 books will appear.
If you would like to shop on our Amazon storefront, go to Amazon.com and in the search box, type Rose Water Cottage Press, and all our goodies will appear.

Dearest friends, I cannot say it enough... God is so very GOOD!  He has blessed the efforts of His girl, who shows up at the drawing table every day...dips the paintbrush into the cup of water...and follows her heart to that which is good and pleasing to Him.  He has met me there, each day, and I am in awe of His goodness to me.
