And then there was snow...

School is closed.
They say there will be snow.
Little girlie is so very hopeful. She is going to build that snowman.
A hat and "nittens" …socks and boots…
She's ready.

She sings a happy tune
and inspects the snow she's scraped and collected in her pink "nitten"

She moves on to the birdbath filled with frozen water and scrapes and pokes and sings...

until her cheeks are rose-y and her little hands are cold from the little wet gloves.
And she decides she'll come in for just a little while …until she can warm up.
The fire is cozy,
and she is still….

There is just not enough snow, and she cannot understand why her Little School was cancelled.
She loves The Little School…and her teachers…and her best friends…

Errands need running…
for there's a new book to be scanned and sent to the designer/formatter.

Lunch follows errands, and we're back home again.

The following day is cold, and there is talk of another snow day, tomorrow,
so we build a fire…

and we read a good book…and get inspired..
and there's paper doll cutting and dress making and hair creating and much coloring...

Oh, and a fresh batch of oatmeal, chocolate chip, walnut cookies sounds good..

The day ends, and we whisper prayers for snow.
We sleep.
And when we awake, there IS snow….glorious, perfect snow.

She and Big Daddy can't get outside fast enough.
He snaps photos and sends them to me...
(Extreme temperatures wreak havoc for this old girl)

And I look out the window, seeing her rose-y cheeks and bright blue eyes dancing.
She has built her snow man (errrr…snow woman…) and has learned to make and throw snowballs…

More building…

He messages more photos…and I edit…
It's a winter wonderland, in our very own yard…

She has come back inside, and Big Daddy makes a run to the grocery store.
She looks out the front window and ponders the next adventure…
"Wow! Dare's a hoe wot out diss way:"

Meanwhile, I walk to the window in the dining room…
Oh, this view!

…and then looking through the front window of the living room…

I walk out onto the back porch, in my sock feet, because this little Storybook Studio of mine
is just too sweet, all covered in snow…

Big Daddy is home, and out she goes, again…
and I tell her to stay inside the fence…do not go out the gate..

"Dare's so much snow out dare…I'm juss gonna weach under dare." 
(Because the snow is always whiter on the other side:)

I step onto the front porch just as she's packing a fresh snow ball
(new skills must be practiced)
and she says, "I'm gonna frwoe a snowbaw atchoo!"

It is terribly cold, and reluctantly she concedes to Grammy's imploring and comes inside.
A nice hot bath is awfully enticing.
With fresh, warm jammies and a great, old quilt,
fort-building will commence..

furniture is re-arranged..

another try..

…and another…

at last…there's an entry…and she dives in…
"Dis is amazing! I might add more fun-ness!" 
(love her little made-up words)

More tweaking…more chairs and stools and books…

It's a bit of an obstacle course, as she makes her way up and over…

and as I watch her…and listen to her chattering,
her positive affirmations…

I realize she is exemplifying true determination.
She is a study in perseverance.
Every time the quilt slid off the stool or chair or ottoman…she pulled it up again…
over and over and over.
encouraging herself, singing, giggling…
She had a vision, and in her little mind, it was going to be amazing.
She didn't get frustrated and she didn't give up.
I was taking mental notes…and photos…
so I would remember.
I need to remember.

And before bedtime, she planned a tea party.
She dictated invitations to her Big Daddy, and he transcribed them.
She folded and wrapped them in pretty red washi tape with little white doilies.
Very Tea Party-ish.
She announced it would be a celebration for girls and mommies…
and if a boy came, it would be alright.

Are you big girls taking notes? 

I snapped this last photo, as I was folding up and tucking away my crocheting project.
What a day.
What a very long, action packed, filled to the rim with goodness, gorgeous and glorious day.
A record-breaking snow, made for a record-breaking day.

Stay warm and safe and cozy, all of you enduring this winter blast of snow and ice.
* * * * * * * *
A pre-order feature has been added to my Etsy shop, so if you are interested,
you may pre-order Eliza Visits The Prairie by Rachel Ashwell, my 13th book.
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click on that link and then look for the pre-order listing….
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I am so excited to see this project come to life in book form, and get them in the mail to YOU!
Thank you, again,  for your continued patience and support.
The finish line is in sight!