
A wheel barrow for Eliza Dormouse

An afternoon getaway...just so much packing one can do...and then a distraction is much needed.

We travel to Franklin, making a quick visit to Mistress of City Mouse...and she has a gift for Eliza...
A wheelbarrow...
...just like the one used by Samuel Whiskers and his Mrs. to flee...with "a quantity of luggage."

The darling wheelbarrow was wrapped with such a pretty bow....Eliza could not bear to remove it..

The tiny wheel spins...

Eliza is unsure if she will be capable of running as fast as Mrs. Whiskers...but not to worry...her "getaway" is planned, and she is coming along to Rose Water Cottage, by invitation...
So she gives a little try...
It is  *perfectly perfect* in every way, and she will carry her very tiny delicate things...candle sticks, and shovel for her fireplace, brass bowls* much tinier than thimbles* ... as Mistress Grammy will load her heavier belongings in the picnic basket...

 Miss Eliza has missed her John Jacob...who has gone to play and live with Xavier...and it has been very difficult to leave as a *country mouse* and arrive as a *city mouse*.  Mistress Grammy eases her tiny little moussie mind...and says she may be a *cottage mouse*....still loving Grammy's flowers, grown in a garden...and able to love tea sets and tea pots and lovely things which are pink. Such a wonderful way to ease her anxious thoughts.

Grammy Christie and Husband leave City Mouse...thanking her profusely for the lovely gift...and travel to the new cottage, to park their *carriage*...a short distance they will walk, to attend the GRAND OPENING of the Theater in total has lovingly been restored...
On the Red Carpet is a lovely young woman wearing the most beautiful evening gown...
As Grammy inquires the origin of the most gorgeous gown...she is told it has been fashioned from the theater's original draperies, circa 1937. The evening gown was the fabric lining the drapes. The fabulous cloak, was the actual drapery ...See from the back, it is absolutely exquisite...

What an enchanted evening we had...
perusing the charming gift shops....

They were celebrating as well, with fantastic displays....

and costumes....extraordinaire....
Wonderful friends in my favorite little shop...Avec Moi....the owner, on the right, is so very proud, for he worked so very hard, preparing for this event. You should have seen the shiny buckles on his mademoiselle dolly, Andrea M'lynn, would have been enchanted!

We gave hugs and congratulations as we left the Parisian festivities of the precious little shop..
I loved every thing about this fabulous table setting...thinking Ms. Anita, dear, should be seated as guest of honor!

Onto another favorite shop, which draws one to its doors....which stand releasing a fragrance so divine....lavender!

I bring home a bag of Lullabaloos....fizzy balls for the bath...aromatherapy for the entire home...
Breathe in...and inhale the lavender....

So, a fizzy ball today, one for tomorrow, one for Monday...and then they shall be found on the lovely vanity in the cottage ....ahhhhh!! Breathe in ...breathe out....we will be there soon...

Miss Eliza is delighted to become a cottage mouse....and is anxious to pack her wheelbarrow....

Her name shall be 'Rose Water Cottage'

After much thought and consideration....writing different names....rolling them off my tongue...the way an expectant mother writes prospective names for her unborn child, using beautiful script, searching the meanings of the names...I have come upon a name for our little white Victorian Cottage.

Her name came to me early on, but other names strolled across my mind...the way it seems to happen when a child's name has been chosen...clouded confusion takes up residence.  Then suddenly the air clears, the first loved name has remained and presents itself as a banner.

As Xavier lay next to me for nap time yesterday afternoon, his little face right next to mine...he sniffed my cheek and said, "you smell like your house, Grammy!"
Tea Rose fragranced lotion was worn on my first evening of dinner and conversation with the wonderful man who would one day be my husband...and it has remained his favorite. Crabtree and Evelyn has carried a Rosewater that I love, and that Tia and Keely often present as gifts on special occasions.  The Rose Water room spray falls to my hair as I release it's fragrance to the rooms of our home...the Rose Water talc is dusted across my shoulders after a bath..

Rose Water body cream is applied to my hands before I slip into the bed at night...

Rose Water hand cream keeps my hands I write letters on rose stationery collected in a rose-covered tin....

The dried rosebuds and hydrangeas from our wedding cake, have been kept in a bowl that also holds the dried roses that formed a lovely bouquet (presented to us by our sweet Tia on our wedding day)...I wore some of the tiny rosebuds in my hair for that most special occasion.

Even the vintage 'handkersniff' I carried, wiping joyful tears during the ceremony, is covered with pink buds...

Sweet little Eliza has her favorite...
Tasha Tudor's Spring Bouquet Moisturizing Cream has a delightful rose water fragrance that I love to use when I take breaks from my knitting, as it softens the callouses eager to form on my fingers.

So, with much joy and anticipation...our cozy cottage finally has a name ....and a fragrance that will come her way.
Rose Water Cottage shall be her name....

An evening with Xavier

What to do ....scrandled eggs had been eaten, cars had been played with, Lincoln Logs stacked, and small scissor practice complete ...this little 4 year old keeps a grammy on her toes. I had been packing all day, he had spent a long day at school, so we finally landed in one big lump on the big chair, under a snowy white comforter. He asked if John Jacob and Eliza (our resident dormice) could come down from their home on the mantel to play.
Then of course, he summoned their old car.
"What kind of car is this, Grammy?" He often asks questions, of which the answers escape me ...I don't know how I made the connection or how far back I searched into the recesses of my mind, but I answered,
"It looks like a 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' car" and his response, "What is THaT?"

I have discovered anything in the whole wide world can be found on the internet...and this was not an exception. The entire movie was parts, of course...and at first sight of that magical car, he was entranced.
As I held the iPad, he held the little truck next to the screen to compare the was an awfully close match...when you have the imagination of a 4 year old.
Is the resemblance not amazing?

Xavier examined every detail, and in his little mind, his car was magically transformed!

The movie continued, and the white down comforter became the water... his magic car floated along it's waves, as he held John Jacob and Eliza....out of harms way….

The little dormice were enjoying the play, as they were squeezed in and out of the "magical car"...

When Chitty drove off the cliff, and began to fly, Eliza and John Jacob soared through the air as well…..

The two little dormice have such fat little bodies that John Jacob's backside protruded through the rear window of the car, much to Xavier's delight!  He chuckled each time I tried to push his "behind" back into the car....saying, "Grammy, look at his be-hiney!" ..more giggling...oh, the silly sense of humor at this age! Somehow the term became "hiney-end"....more giggling!
The conversations between the dormice and Xavier continued through the evening...leading to conversations between Grammy and the dormice, Grammy and John Jacob, John Jacob and Eliza, Xavier giving Grammy instruction on words to recite ...voices switching to mice-y voices as each of us assumed our character roles.
Such an imagination... Such fun.... Wishing he could always remain this jovial little boy!

The movie continues...and, as the scene unfolds, revealing the grandpa in his tiny house, dangling in the air,  John Jacob was promptly hung upside down, as Xavier grasped the tip of his tail with his little fist!

(Eliza remained close to Grammy, perched on her shoulder, as she is quite afraid of heights... and being dangled by her tail!)

The visit drew to a close when Xavier's mommy walked through the door. It was time for socks and shoes and hugs and kisses.  He just could not part with his new little friend, who he now referred to simply as, Jacob ...the mouse fit just right in his little hand.  I leaned over and whispered in his ear, (for 'whispering in ears' is a newly acquired skill, procured in pre-school) "You may take him home with you, if you will be very careful with his whiskers... and his tail....and try not to tease him too much about his "hiney-end"! Xavier squealed and chuckled that 'little boy chuckle'.

Sweet John Jacob gave a snuggly hug and kiss to his dear Eliza…..

And then he said his affectionate 'good-bye' to Grammy…

Quite excited over his dormouse,  Xavier hopped and bounced out the door to his mommy's car...holding the little mouse in the air once more...beaming with pride...giggling, as his last words tumbled from his little boy mouth, "Grammy, he has a big hiney-end!"

And with waves and kisses blown, they pulled away.

The pictures grasp tiny highlights of the evening...intended only to remind a grammy and her grandson of a splendid evening of imaginative play, inspired by a wonderfully delightful movie, remembered from  Grammy's childhood.  But, if it serves as a reminder to seize an stop...and play...and imagine... as a child....then it has served an even greater purpose!

Note to readers:
I had not remembered the character's name being "Truly"...or that the little girl's name was "Jemima"...
After I posted these photos and referred to the movie, I received a message from one of my daughter's dearest friends...her name is Truly, as well, and she remarked, "this is my movie!"
This dear girl grew up in New Hampshire, one of eight children. Her mother visited with our beloved Tasha Tudor, in Tasha's home, and has aspired to live the same lifestyle ...on a farm, with a myriad of animals, homeschooling the children who remain at her dream, with her husband and family.
How amazing that she and my daughter have such a friendship and that their mothers have a kindred bond, as well, even though they have never met. Messages are sent back and forth through the girls, to the mothers, for now.

One day, I am hopeful we will meet.
Such an inspiring testimony to the fact that God is good,
and sometimes he blesses us with such delightful occurrences...certainly not coincidence!

Preparing for a move...'s never fun...weeding out things...has begun. 

A Big House, we've lived in, a Cottage we're buying. Where did all this come from?  Downsizing?...I'm trying!
3 weeks till we're moving, so daylight is pack it all up, is surely exhausting!

News spreads to the Dormice...John Jacob is ready.
Eliza says, "John, will you pack and be tidy?"
"All of our things are precious possessions, made with great care and lots of affection."

Christmas wrappings are rounded up...

Dishes to disburse...

Teacups to be tucked away...

Like a bunny, I must hop!

For on I go to every room... and more and more I find....

shelves of Spring and Easter things...

books and books, galore!

In every single little nook...

I'm finding more and more..

...oh, my word, will you just look!

my books, I love to hoard!

          Teacups and books... are all I shall be packing,
           If more than that is needed, I will not have a care!

          For in my nest, with tea and story, nothing will be lacking.
           The world may go on in a hurry, I shan't be with them there.

         A cozy cottage...with cushions fluffed and plenty,
          Will comfort tired bodies, and never leave us weary.

         The fireplace a-glow and dancing, what could be more enchanting?
          We'll drink tea for hours, 'til our eyes become bleary.

         We'll nod off to dream...dreams that are lovely,
          waking as moonbeams lay soft on the floor.

         Our prayers we will offer...prayers that are humbling,
          thanking our Maker that less shall be more!

Christie "Grammy" Ray
May 2011

Minnie Elizabeth Weatherington Aly...

I have had the most wonderful news...I am going to be a mother-in-law to the most precious young woman I could have ever imagined in all my dreams and wishes. My eldest, Matthew, has asked his Jenny to be his wife.  The ring he has given her as a promise, and as her  future wedding band, is the ring which belonged to my great great grandmother. I would like to share this post from last year, Mother's Day 2011, so that this sweet girl can know the history of this band of gold, given to dear Minnie on her wedding day in 1871.

"Keeper of the Stories" being my unofficial title in our family is a difficult task, but as I share them in this fashion, they are released, and no longer bump into each other in my mind, causing much relief. I want to remember all the special details, facts, who-begat-who, and on and on...
This is where we shall start.

A little car was purchased for Eliza and John Jacob reminded our friend Diane of a truck her grandparents had...and it reminded me of a photo I keep in my family treasures cabinet...and so the story must begin with Miss Minnie Elizabeth Weatherington.

She is pictured in the photo wearing her fancy fascinator (this is surely why I adore wearing hats). This was taken about the time of her marriage to John R. Aly in 1871. Her wedding band rests on the art stand and is inscribed "John R. Aly to M.E.W" in beautiful script. The tiny spectacles, toddler's shoe, and darning egg have been passed down to me, but no one is quite sure which article belonged to whom. The dashing young fellow in the picture would be the son she would have, Fred R. Aly, Sr.  Minnie would obtain the Testament & Psalms after 20 years of marriage.

Little Fred Aly, Sr. would one day have a granddaughter named Dorothy, and would carve this tiny little chair for her. If he had ever dreamed that his great granddaughter would still cherish this petite piece of furniture and photograph its escapades with tiny mice and dolls and squirrels...He would surely be proud.

This photo was taken of John and Minnie and their grandson, Fred R. Aly, Jr. with the automobile that reminded me of Eliza and John Jacob's new little car.

See the resemblence?

I am so honored to have this Bible, fragile as it is, knowing that my great great grandmother held it in her hands.

Upon opening, the front page bears a faded signature, date, and address....

A closer look reveals the complete date...

Feb. 14th 1891

Pasted on the back cover, I found a poem, "One of Us Two" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. How incredibly gripping are the words...

One of Us Two
The day will dawn, when one of us shall hearken
In vain to hear a voice that has grown dumb.
And morns will fade, moons pale, and shadows darken,
While sad eyes watch for feet that never come.

One of us two must, some time face existence,
Alone with memories that but sharpen pain.
And these sweet days shall shine back in the distance,
Like dreams of summer dawns, in nights of rain.

One of us two, with tortured heart half broken,
Shall read long -treasured letters through salt tears,
Shall kiss with anguished lips each cherished token,
That speaks of these love-crowned, delicious years.

One of us two shall and all light, all beauty,
All joy on earth, a tale forever done;
Shall know henceforth that life means only duty.
Oh God! Oh, God! have pity on that one

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I have never known who passed away first, and who was left behind....

This is how the lineage progressed:

Little Fred Aly, Jr. pictured in photo on the left...grew up to marry pretty Effie Belle Sams, pictured in photo on the right...and they would have a baby, Dorothy, being held by new mommy... Effie...and Dorothy would have Christie (Grammy)....  I find my smiling eyes in my Grandma's sweet face.

My great great grandmother Minnie, holding my mother Dorothy in the photo to the right. 

Thank you for joining me, as I strive to be a thoughtful caretaker and "Keeper of the Stories"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Miss Eliza has requested that Grammy knit 2 more lovely shawls to send to her new friend, Millie Mousekin, as a belated Mother's Day gift. Mama Mousekin has been quite busy these days helping her mistress Linnie (the Butt'ry and Book'ry) sew tiny stitches in her beautiful gown for the Ball they will be attending this week.  A working shawl and a tea party shawl (like Tasha Tudor used to wear, minus the fancy ribbons...little mice have trouble keeping their shawls on their little shoulders) are being sent her way...

...with warmest regards, blessings, and many mouse hugs!

Hoping all who are Mothers, had a most blessed day, and were honored for their love and commitment to their children.


A Visit to 'City Mouse'

Mistress Grammy and her Husband must make a trip to the city, for they must tend to a matter...
It happens to be the home where cousin "City Mouse" resides...and it is her mistress whom they shall visit.

Treats are prepared...Teapot shaped Vanilla Scones and a jar of homemade Lemon Curd (Grammy has never made lemon curd, but a most delectable recipe was found on "Our Scented Cottage.")
The mistress has spent many hours, tending to matters for Grammy and Husband, and she especially loves nice little surprises!

Eliza has received a "new" car, and she "believes" she can drive all the way to the city to visit her cousin.
Grammy tells her to turn off the puttering little engine ...Eliza simply does not understand.
Grammy explains, "City Mouse lives oh, so far away...and you are such a tiny little mouse....with such a tiny little car! I am afraid you must stay home, whilst we're away. We will surely relay to cousin your most sincere regrets."
So Eliza, being a very good little Dormouse, went straightaway to park the car and make her way back to her cottage. She found a cozy little pillow, fashioned from a very old quilt, on the daybed procured by Mistress Grammy...and nestled down for the evening, with John Jacob, keeping a watchful eye over the keeping room, until Mistress and Husband return.

Mistress Grammy and Husband drive for a very long time, 'til at last, they have arrived! Upon their entrance, following a pleasant greeting from the Mistress of the Home, City Mouse squeaks "Hello!"
Mistress Grammy's eyes follow the little squeak until she comes upon the tiny residence 'neath the table by the window....

"Hello, dear mouse! How clever you are to find such a delightfully inviting door to your cottage! Might we come a little closer?"
Squeaking can be heard....very tiny, little girl squeaks...

"How lovely you look in your tiny shawl and kerchief! We are so glad you are enjoying its warmth on this unusually chilly day!"
Nods and squeaks are seen and heard...
"Country Mouse Eliza sends her warmest regards and regrets she was unable to travel this very far distance, but how nice it was to see you, and we will send your 'hello' to her and John Jacob."

How very pleasant was the evening, and how very late 'twas the arrival home. Much too late for little Dormice to be running about...must be tucked in bed ....dreaming sweet little dreams....shhhhh....good night....

A Saturday in Spring...April Showers brought flowers for May

After all the rain, floods, tornado warnings and horribly windy days, we finally have a wonderful gift! A gloriously warm, sunshine-y Saturday...the last day of April....and I simply had to fetch some photos of the lovely irises appearing against the fence, making a beautiful backdrop for the grape arbor, with its climbing, productive vines.

Look you see the baby grapes beginning to form?

The Tennessee state flower is the Iris, in the lovliest shade of purple...which is why I purchased my 'Iris' wellies... (Natalie..they are just the right color, don't you think?)

These bloomed on the prettiest day of the year!

This is another one I adore. It is the creamiest peach, and looks so pretty in the glass pitcher.

This Easter season, I was blessed to receive gifts and packages from dear family members. Once again, I have used my treasured art stand to display the two new books I received, which form the back drop of a sweet tea table still life.

Well, I must say, my little Eliza Dormouse shared that her sweet John Jacob has been ever so fretful to stay at their cottage in the baseboard aside the tea table...Scout pounces and hops about...ever-threatening their safety...and Scout believes she is having quite a grand time, playing with her new friends. I believe there has been a terrible miscommunication of intentions, but as their mistress, I think and think...until I have found the next most perfectly perfect spot for their home. Atop the mantel of the fireplace in the keeping room, I have found a lovely bit of real estate...slate rock for a front porch...the greenest of green topiaries, in tiny little pots....greenery that grows instantly over the cottage door (a sprinkle of glittery dust creates such things), even a welcoming wreath, hanging with invitation to enter,... and the Dormice are as happy as larks!

I think of all the pictures I've ever seen, of cottage gardens, cottage doors, cottage furnishings...and my imagination runs full speed ahead...searching craft closet, kitchen cupboards, and even the garden outside...and I find little pieces of this and that, forming a miniature "cottage world" for deserving little friends. What a delightful way to spend those extra minutes in the day...between the household chores, visits with grandchildren and family, errands that must be run...  I am glad to share the "harvest" of those moments.

Eliza and Grammy prepare Victorian Cookies for Royal Wedding Day

A Royal Wedding! What a lovely time to bake ...Eliza is ever so excited to learn! She and her mistress are anxious to try a recipe from their dear friend Laura at "Our Scented Cottage." Victorian lavender cookies with Rosewater Icing will be most special for celebration tomorrow as William and Kate exchange their vows.  (Mistress Grammy watched a royal wedding many, many years ago...a bittersweet recollection.)

Grammy and Eliza place their "receipts" (Tasha Tudor used this old fashioned term, meaning recipe) and folders on their new art stands, skillfully crafted by Seth Tudor, and collect the needed ingredients. Culinary Rosewater and Lavender have been special ordered.

Eliza is excited to begin a folder of her own! She is grateful that her Mistress Grammy has taken care to save a dormouse-sized chair, carved by her great grandpa, Fred Aly, Sr. for mistress' mother when she was a toddling little girl ... Now she can read how much lavender to scoop into the mixing bowl.

Sniff, sniff, sniff. Oh, so very ....intoxicating! No other word describes the fragrance wafting through
the kitchen.

Now, the cookie dough must be dropped by teaspoonfuls, for it is very, very gooey!

The waiting begins....John Jacob is very anxious to taste Eliza's first batch of cookies...

Finally, hot from the oven, the tiny cookies must cool completely before the rosewater icing may be drizzled....What delicious smells they smell!

Mistress Grammy has decided the scrumptious cookies will be more scrumptious if they take the shape of miniature teapots. What a splendid idea! (Eliza wishes there was a teeny tiny teapot cutter for her teeny tiny cookies)
Teapot cookies....3 in a row!

This is the little secret: Before the cookies have cooled completely, and while they are still on the cookie sheet...carefully cut them out with your favorite teapot cookie cutter..

When the cookies have cooled completely, and using a fork, drizzle the rosewater icing.. back and forth.. over the cookies...

Patty Patty and Tara Squirrel smell the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. When they peek and see Grammy in her prettiest pink apron, they are now certain it is cookie baking time! They run with their tiny little feet, and climb up to the top of the little black cookstove, to find the tiniest little iced cookies. 

With delightful congratulations to their new friend Eliza Dormouse, mannerly manners are remembered, and they decide to send the tiny cookie-filled cookie sheet to their City Mouse cousin and ask if Grammy will include some teapots for her mistress. (and because they are thoughtful little country cousins, they will dine together with Mistress Grammy, savoring her portion of the delectable treats with a teeny tiny cup of tea, as the Royal Wedding plays on the television) 

How exciting to prepare a package for brings a warm feeling in their teeny tiny hearts. (Eliza insisted that being a City Mouse, her cousin needed a receipt and folder of her own, so one more is created.)

What an exciting time it is...Spring...lovely cookies....wonderful, lingering aromas....and a Royal Wedding!!
Wishing God's best for Prince William and his Princess Kate!

Those who visit Mistress Grammy's House always feel like a prince and princess!

Meet the Newest Little Residents at Grammy's House....John Jacob and Eliza Dormouse

After hibernating all Winter long, John Jacob and Eliza Dormouse found their way to Grammy's House....sniffed a few sniffs...scurried 'round the baseboards...and found a lovely little cottage door by the tea table. It was perfectly perfect!

Eliza's "City Mouse" cousin lives in a grand house not very far away and commissioned her mistress to craft a sweet little door for Eliza and John Jacob's new home at Grammy's house in the country. It seems to be just right!

So Eliza asks Mistress Grammy if she would prepare a lovely Spring wardrobe for her dear cousin...and indeed, Mistress Grammy is delighted to knit and sew a pair of shawls and a kerchief.

Very special yarn will be used, and fashionable little ribbons will keep them snuggly tied around her mousey tummy and shoulders. The kerchief will be made from handkersniff remnants....Xavier's very most favorite of all of Grammy's hankies...the one he loved on the most...until it came apart from all the loving. What beautiful little Tasha Tudor - like kerchiefs are made as sweet remembrances.

The brown shawl is very similar to Miss Tasha's "work shawl" used whilst she was gardening, cooking, sewing, spinning...completing her domestic tasks. The pink shawl shall be for special occasions, such as tea parties and visits from her "Country Mouse" cousin.

Mistress Grammy finds a teeny tiny box to wrap the teeny tiny gifts and uses pale blue tissue paper to wrap each one. She uses her very old fountain pen to write a sweet note, dictated by Eliza, and tucks all these things into the box.

Eliza whispers to John Jacob, "She will be so surprised!!" 
John Jacob whispers to Eliza, "She mustn't squeak too loud...for Matilda the Cat might pounce!"

Yes, the city mouse cousin must always watch for the Cat, as John Jacob has learned he must always watch out for Scout the Yorkie, who snatched him straightaway whilst he was posing for his picture by their new door. (Mistress Grammy will be much more careful to watch out for her tiny new residents!)

Eliza loves to sit atop the Tasha Tudor Spring Bouquet Hand Cream and watch her mistress knit...for she uses the cream quite often...which means extra attention for Mrs. Dormouse...

Sweet little Eliza is named after Mistress Grammy's Great Grandmother....Dear John Jacob is named after her great-great-great grandfather, who came over from England to North Carolina and fought in the Revolutionary War. Miss Eliza Bitt was nicknamed 'Bitty', as she only grew to be 4 feet tall! 

A Dormouse is found in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, making nests under the foliage of the forest floor, hibernating all winter long. They have furry tails, and resemble squirrels...and are called dormouse, referring to their dormant nature during the long cold months. 

But since they are British, Mistress Grammy felt they would be perfect little friends with perfect little names to honor her ancestry.

We will pop in every now and then to see their progress as they create a cozy home at Grammy's House.